During Lent, I tend to pray more than in other seasons.
I like it when I have plenty of time and a quiet place to pray. It's best for me if I stop what I am doing, find a quiet place, get on my knees, put my hands together, and then I wait for a moment. I try to clear my mind and push out the day's activities and concerns. I sometimes ponder the Prodigal Son - the one who returned to his father and fell on his knees begging for forgiveness. Then I just try to stay silent for a moment. . . . just silence. . . . then I start my prayer and I try to stay focused and recall all of the things on my mind for prayer. Sometimes I need my printed list near me - I can't always recall everything when my list is very long!
While I'm certainly unworthy on my own, as a Christian, however, I approach God as closely as I can. I want to pray on the front row in heaven. While I'm usually at the side of my bed instead, still, I want that and put that craving in my heart. And when I start my prayer, I speak His name, beginning it with "Almighty" or "Gracious Lord" or something to show that I understand the greatness of the one whom I approach. It is important to start my prayer with adoration of God. But I also use Abba in the prayer somewhere, usually. Abba, father, daddy. I am His child, His little kid. And my understanding of God is childlike, and so must my prayer. Just as my children beg me for too much candy or to stay home from school, I'm sure that parts of my prayer could be childlike. But still, I kneel before God and pray as best I can.
I then ask for forgiveness and I repent. During Lent, I focus hard on this.
I offer my thanksgiving. All that I have and everything around me is a gift from God. I thank Him and ask for guidance in the proper use of His creation and my blessings.
I then pray for my family and friends, of course, and I pray for my church family. I am an officer in two civic volunteer groups - as chaplain in one and a sort of chaplain in another. I am also in two Christian groups - one for my son and one for my daughter. I pray for my children's school. I also receive by email from time to time a prayer list from a lady that includes anyone who emails her - it is lengthy and detailed. I also pray for the people who post prayer requests on missionstclare.com.
That is a long list. . . and it takes time. But I try to do it daily. I can't always do it, but I try to pray each name rather than just say the name of the group. I try to say something specific for each person who needs something in particular. When I take the time to do that, I find that I feel a more spiritual connection to God. I have a connection even with a shorter version of prayer, but I prefer the closer connection.
So during Lent, I try to pray for myself in preparation for Easter, and I try not to forget the list of the people whom I love and carry them in my heart while I go on my journey to the New Jerusalem.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My prayers during Lent
"new Jersualem",
lenten meditation,